Saturday, May 29, 2010

Whats next?

As of May 23rd, my first mix series, mx, is now complete. I'm definitely really happy to see it completed and now fully available as a set. I really enjoyed the system of letters instead of numbers because I felt like there was a clear cut ending. The last track in Z is actually like 6 months old, and I heard it back then and instantly knew I wanted it to be my finale. I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did. :) Lets have a look at some of the statistics that were easy enough for my lazy ass to figure out!

It took me 533 days in total
I used 266 songs
Unmixed, these songs are 33 hours 27 minutes and 51 seconds in length!
Mixed, my collection is 25 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds
That means that I mixed out roughly 25% of each song o_o
The longest mix is K at exactly 59:59 (cuttin it close)
The shortest mix is B at 54:57 (tsk tsk)
K is also notable for having the most tracks (18)

So what is next?

Short version: mx2

Long version: I get to start over! I'll be working on/hunting for some new album art and some new tunes to kick off mx2 packed full of tunes worth remembering. My goal is and always has been to release my mixes based not on a schedule, but on great music. And you can expect this to continue. I promise: as soon as I have the tunes necessary to make a mix worth hearing, I will release it...But I refuse to release a sub-par mix simply to stay on schedule. That isn't my style. I'll be starting mx2 in a few weeks. But first...

I will still continue to release some of my LIVE sets as well. However, effective immediately, I will be dropping the lettering system for LIVE releases specifically. Instead, the title of my live mixes will be the date-the theme (yes, they will have themes). Lengths may begin to vary (and they already have). The first 3 will be keeping their lettered names for the sake of consistency in referring to them. I have 2 live mixes I've been wanting to do lately. I just haven't had the chance to mix them yet. Something else has been keeping me busy...

So there you have it...mx1 has been wrapped up with the release of Z...

No...No it has not.

I've been working on a very very special finale piece. Z was not the end! Instead of trying to describe it to you, I'll give you a sample straight from the mix itself...

(This a sample from 23 to 33 minutes into the mix)

Estentially, this mix is ~120 songs in 3 hours. If you have ever heard Armin van Buuren's yearmixes, you could compare it to that. The tracklist for this mix is 99% done (it may see some tweaking) and the actual mixing is about 66% done. I've put over 100 hours into this project already and it sounds purdy damn good if I say so myself. I am extremely proud of this entire thing. Nearly every single track in the mix was pulled from songs used in the mx1 series along with some of their remixes and a few other tracks that I felt were pretty awesome that I never got the chance to use for 1 reason or another. I plan on releasing at least 1 LIVE mix before the release of this mega-mix because this thing will easily take me another 2 or 3 weeks to finish - and that assumes that nothing goes wrong...Just like all of my regular releases, I will be releasing this when the quality is 100%. I'm not going to give you a date for release quite yet because I will release it when its done. However, you should know that I plan on streaming the whole mix to the world at least a few nights ahead of release (maybe even a week before release). For those of you who are reading this epic long post, I want you to know that the first person to make a comment on this blog post (you don't have to sign up) will get the chance to pick a spot in the mix and I will upload another 10 minute sample starting at (or close to) the spot named. However, i would ask you to pick a spot no later than 100 minutes because the last hour is incomplete and you'll be mad at me if you got 10 minutes of silence..and don't pick the very beginning cause I want folks to experience the first 5 minutes when they get to hear the mix for themselves! After the request is made, I'll make a second blog post containing just the youtube.

When it finally gets released, you will need to download more than one file due to the massiveness of mp3. TempoPlus won't be able to hold the whole thing in a single track so it will be split up into 3 parts. If you want to download the whole mix as a single mp3, it will be in a multi-part .rar file hosted on Rapidshare. But do not despair! Vorlok (his internet name) has given me 20 USD as his way to say thanks for the mixes...well, I'm going to use those 20 USD to buy TrafficShare. This will allow you to download all of the files needed to listen to the megamix with out having to wait and with very fast download speeds.

THIS MIX WILL ALSO BE PLAYED ON MIKE FOYLE'S PODCAST!!!!! I'm pretty excited to get to announce that. Mr Mike Foyle himself has heard the first hour of the megamix and said it was "awesome" (that is an exact quote). When the mix is done, he will be putting it in his podcast as a guest mix.

Lastly, I want to say thanks to all of my listeners! I know I don't have a very large "fan base," but I'm ok with that. I get to chat with some of you guys on forums or on facebook and I enjoy getting to interact with my listeners with out feeling over whelmed. You are always welcome to share my music with others and to burn it to CD's etc etc. I hope you will continue to enjoy and listen to my music for as long as I have the privilege to make it :)

Until my next post, Good bye!


  1. Sup? This is Charles. I'm a fan on your facebook. I really dig parts of your mix when you intergrate classical-sounding tracks. If you have a part like that in the megamix, I'd like to hear that.

    Also, what's the chance of getting a file with all of your mixes up to the megamix?

  2. I agree with Charles! I love the Classical-esque tracks (the start of mx i comes to mind).

    My friends and I are already working on getting a party together to celebrate this mega mx when you preview it live - so if you could give some warning ahead of time when you'll be streaming it, that would be helpful to all of us =)

    Keep up the amazing work, Rkls!

  3. Request uploaded!

  4. hey thomas i really wish i could remember the minute section of the part i LOVE but i think you know what part it is and if not theres like 4 you can pick from that you know im in love with lol. - Eric

  5. sorry eric, only one request was up for grabs :P

    sides, you'll probably be living with me before this is released lol
